

DO-DADS CLUB INC., a 501©3 nonprofit, has partnered with the Brown Academy of Learning & Leadership, and the Cayman Island Basketball Association to bring international students to the United States, to assist in the pursuit of their educational and athletic objectives. From the generosity of our host families, mine being one, we have provided eight students with this opportunity. This is a pilot program and there is a huge expense as well as enormous commitment to give them a wide range of avenues to view and research. Our primary goal is to put these young men in a position to enroll in a United States college or university. We will visit and tour many east coast higher education institutions so the students can gauge on what life may be like. They will apply to several for acceptance into a program which fits their goals.

These initial months have been a learning endeavor for all, as we navigate through this multi-faceted process. Our home increased by four young men with different personalities, meshing with our families. This has become a truly rewarding adventure as we traveled from New York to Connecticut to New Jersey in our quest.

-Robert Powell